RX Assistance/Suncare Solutions LLC

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RX Assistance/Suncare Solutions
720 Commerce Center Dr. Suite C
Sebastian , Florida 32958

Phone: (877) 792-7747
Toll Free Phone:
Fax: (866) 792-7701
TDD Phone:

Website: www.freerxassistance.com

Program Description

Provide assistance to seniors who qualify and sign up for free and low cost medications provided by pharmaceutical companies and charitable Patient Assistance Programs. Almost all major pharmaceutical companies through Patient Assistance Programs (PAP's) give away free medications to patients at no charge (a few charge a small dispensing fee).

These programs are intended for those who meet 2 basic criteria,

1) lack of prescription drug coverage and

2) demonstrate need by falling within certain income levels.

Also available are: Discount Programs. These plans are extremely useful for those individuals who need:

a) Immediate cost savings at the pharmacy; b) those who fail to qualify for free medications; c) those enrolled in Medicare D but fall into the 'donut hole'; and d) anyone looking for significant savings via mail order. The Rx Discount Plan

is a low cost, simplified, monthly membership program that provides up to 40 % savings immediately on all your prescriptions needs.

It is recognized by almost all national pharmacies and has no pre-qualifications or forms required. Mail Order Plans provide much deeper discounts through U.S. pharmaceutical companies and provide Significant savings on brand name and generic medications via mail order, direct to your home.

Rx Outreach provides many common generic medications at $20.00 per 90 day supply (Tier 3 -$45.00)

Services Available Through This Program

Health Support Organizations , Seniors- Information for Adults 55 and Over

Hours of Operation

Eligibility Requirements and Important Information

Each pharmaceutical company has its own criteria for qualifications to receive assistance. In general, the patient must: ? Be a United States resident. ? Not be covered by insurance for outpatient prescription drugs. ? Not qualify for a government program (such as Medicaid) or a third-party program that provides for prescription medications (discount programs do not disqualify an applicant) ? Have an income level that would result in hardship if required to purchase medications at retail prices. The applicant?s income must fall within the limits established by each individual program sponsor. Typical qualifiers have income below $21,780 annually for an individual and $29,420 annually for a couple. The household income limits vary from program to program.

Availability and Fees
Current Wait List: 
Handicapped Access: 
Accepts Medicaid: 
Accepts Medicare: 
Accepts Private Insurance: 
Financial Assistance Available?: 
Sliding Scale: 

Other Fee Information

$25.00 enrollment, $25.00 per month fee (membership)

Points of Interest

There is a large amount of time, effort and labor that goes into completing each application properly for our clients. For most, the cost of medications received usually far outweighs the minimal initial expense. Cost of Service: Often the receipt of just one medication more than covers the cost of service. We are aware of the difficult situation many people are living under and have tried to keep our fees minimized. In addition, we guarantee that our clients will save at least the cost of our service in the value of medications received or we will refund all application fees paid providing proof of denial letters within 120 days of service.

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